Tag: marketing

  • Stop Guessing & Stop Wasting Time (and Money)

    Unlock the Secrets to Connecting with Your Customers on a Personal Level • Uncover the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when defining their ideal customer avatar • Learn how to segment your audience for maximum ROI • Discover how to understand your ideal customer’s needs and desires As an entrepreneur, it can be difficult to connect…

  • Makes Selling So Easy – It Feels Like Cheating… But It’s NOT!

    If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed and discouraged trying to write your own long-form sales letter, you are not alone. It took me 4 years to figure out how to write my first long-form sales letter. But when I finally got it put up, my sales went up 250% literally overnight! My friend Anza just stunned…

  • Event & Webinar Promo Mistakes To Avoid Like The Plague

    Get the Most Out of Your Event Promotion By Avoiding these Common Mistakes It’s a big mistake to think event promotion is easy. Sure, you can throw some posts on social media and call it a day, but that won’t get your event off the ground. To truly maximize your event’s potential, you need to…

  • Weekly Update – March 22, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets Anatomy Of A Money-Making Email Teaser No matter what you sell… you’ll use email to help you sell it. Whether you’re following up with customers and subscribers or sending cold emails to potential prospects you found on the web, email will play a part. The structure of your email message is just…

  • Weekly Update – February 15, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets 9 Secrets To Skyrocket Sales With Your Copy and Content… No Matter What You Sell Who doesn’t want more sales? I mean seriously… unless your life is perfect, and you’re already living in a mansion with a Money Bin like Scrooge McDuck – you want more sales. In fact, you don’t just…

  • Weekly Update – January 11, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets 5 Deadly Mistakes People Are Making with A.I. For many, artificial intelligence (A.I.) is the ultimate easy button for content creation and sales copy. Tools like ChatGPT have brought A.I. access to the masses in an extremely short period of time. In fact, my MOM even knows about A.I. now and has…

  • This is What Happens When AI Disrupts the Status Quo

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen my prediction from last year about the explosion of AI (artificial intelligence) into the popular culture come true. Everyone is talking about it, from the nightly news to my mom. One of the big drivers of this public awareness is the Chat GPT bot, available from…

  • 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make With Lead Magnets

    Quality, not quantity, make a great lead magnet. If you want to build a huge, rabid, responsive list, keep your lead magnet focused on a SINGLE “Big Idea, Solution, or Payoff” your target audience REALLY wants. Focus on a single, HUGE promise that’s important to your target audience. If you structure your lead magnet wrong,…

  • How To Eat Your Elephant

    You’ve heard the old saying “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!” It’s a trite phrase, but it does create an interesting visual for taking on a seemingly HUGE task. Unfortunately, when you start cutting at that elephant’s snout with your steak knife, you have very little chance of making it…

  • Weekly Update – July 6, 2022

    A Note From Jim “Declare Your Independence Day” With July 4th behind us (Independence Day in the USA), I’m reflecting back on my own “independence” day in June of 2001. Let me tell you a quick story… It’s a story about the time I got fired over my cell phone on my way home from…