Tag: jimedwards

  • Breaking News, Click Bait and Salescopy – SCCMH [Podcast 69]

    Breaking News, Click Bait and Salescopy Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss what will be the new normal, but also how to think through knee jerk reactions from click bait breaking news as today’s emergency is not tomorrow’s issue.  Conflict sells – if it bleeds it leads so beware of what can happen if you do not…

  • Be an Asset – SCCMH [Podcast 68]

    Be an Asset: Motivation, Habits, Discipline, Toughness and Mindset. Jim Edwards changes the pre-arranged topic on Stew as he starts the podcast. Handling the curveball, Stew was able to answer as well as segue into the original topic that was more about branding, habitual content creation, and openness to growth by seeing uses for such content. …

  • Assessing Opportunities in Business – SCCMH [Podcast 66]

    Whether it is a revolutionary product that changes the way we do business or an event that immediately forces business to comply to the new normal, if you can relax and assess the situation, you may find opportunities when others see disaster or vulnerabilities. Time to put on your entrepreneurial foresight glasses and get creative. …

  • Getting Creative with Wizards – SCCMH [Podcast 65]

    Users of scripts and wizards as part of The Jim Edwards Method have been opening up to creativity and finding so many uses for them. Example two for one deal: Make article out of Avatar Wizard (with buy now button options for answers to audience) that is perfect for your audience. Use Headline and Title…

  • Dude, Be Nice – SCCMH [Podcast 64]

    We are all going through an unprecedented situation, being able to reduce stress and anxiety will help you when dealing with people inside and outside of the home. Jim shares a story of the help desk where he judges the current mood of today’s society. Let’s share some ways to help each other out, stay…

  • Things We Have Learned During Quarantine – SCCMH [Podcast 63]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss some of the things they are learning during this quarantine period. Whether you have your own home office, entrepreneurial occupation, or working from home/laid off, this time is what you make it. Stay safe, healthy, and keep working hard! Get Copywriting Secrets for FREE – Just pay shipping www.copywritingsecrets.com Check out the…

  • Build a Podcast This Month – Quarantined Edition – SCCMH [Podcast 62]

    Jim and Stew discuss how to make a podcast from the software/hardware needed as well as the amazing walk-thru of the Podcast Script Wizard. Get access to all of the Jim Edward’s Method wizards to help make incredible sales copy and content such as this video demonstrates at https://copyandcontent.ai/ Get Copywriting Secrets for FREE – Just…

  • The Truth About Targeting Your Niche Audience – SCCMH [Podcast 6]

    Hey all you entrepreneurs! Let us show you exactly how and why you need to niche down your target audience so you can sell more from your website or funnel! Join us on this new podcast episode right now! Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy Writing and Content Marketing Hacks with Jim Edwards for…

  • Why Good Copywriting is SO Important SCCMH [Podcast 2]

    Internet sales wizard Jim Edwards and his business partner Stew Smith discuss why creating solid salescopy is critical to your business. Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy Writing and Content Marketing Hacks with Jim Edwards for a community of over 20,000 like-minded business owners https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks/ Get Copywriting Secrets for FREE – Just pay shipping www.copywritingsecrets.com and for…

  • Introducing Jim Edward’s Copywriting and Content Marketing Podcast SCCMH [Podcast 1]

    Introducing internet sales wizard Jim Edwards and his side kick, Stew Smith, as they the journey into sales copy, content marketing, and entrepreneurship in highly successful internet businesses. Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy Writing and Content Marketing Hacks with Jim Edwards for a community of over 20,000 like-minded business owners https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks/ Get Copywriting Secrets…