Tag: Content
Different Types of Writing And Salescopy – SCCMH [Podcast 79]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the many different kinds of writing. From copywriting, web writing, and business/technical writing, etc… What do you think the most important parts of the following types of writing are required to make for an effective piece of writing for the entrepreneur? Marketing Pieces – ads, sales letters Web Content…
Titles and Headlines Wizard Walk Through – SCCMH [Podcast 75]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss a question from the Facebook Group: The Salescopy and Content Marketing Hacks Closed Group – concerning making headlines for an advertisement / content that get your attention better. Remember it is not what it IS, it is what it DOES. Here is the question we answer and walk through two wizards…
Free Book Offer – SCCMH [Podcast 74]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss a question from the Facebook Group: The Salescopy and Content Marketing Hacks Closed Group – concerning the FREE BOOK offer concept with marketing. Jim discusses his recent book launch and collateral success with the launch of a free book and how he did it using a variety of scripts…
Advertising / Funnel Fix with Punchy Jim – SCCMH [Podcast 76]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss LIVE a quick funnel / website and help an entrepreneur with he advertisement concerning getting babies/toddlers to sleep. This one is pretty funny as Jim is in a mood… Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy and Content Marketing Hacks at https://www.facebook.com/groups/copywritingandcontenthacks/ and for more information on the wizards used…
Staycation Tips for Entrepreneurs – SCCMH [Podcast 72]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith share some valuable information for the entrepreneur who is self employed to unwind during the stay at home order. But for everyone, being able to do something safe to unwind and create a nice “Staycation” for you and your family is something to consider sooner than later. Whether it is…
Daily bandwidth, Scheduling & Checklist Wizard – SCCMH [Podcast 71]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss some of the things they are learning during this weird time for business and personal lives amid stay at home orders. Scheduling, productivity, and your personally most effective time to work can be optimized with the right mindset. Whether you have your own home office, entrepreneurial occupation, or working…