Tag: connections

  • Weekly Update – January 10, 2024

    Article of the Week Surprise ‘Celebrity’ Sightings! It was Christmas. My wife and I decided to take a cruise to celebrate the holidays. We were looking forward to a relaxing getaway, far from family drama and the hustle and bustle of work. Little did I know, our cruise would turn into a surprise “celebrity” sighting.…

  • Weekly Update – November 22, 2023

    Article of the Week Gobble Up Success: One Relationship At A Time 🦃 It’s the day before Thanksgiving and I find myself filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for each of you. Your support and trust in me throughout the years has been one…

  • Weekly Update – October 11, 2023

    Article of the Week The Fine Line: When Negative Copywriting Crosses the Limit Going “negative” in your copywriting is something you must be aware of, but I think there are two ways that you can go negative. One is a good way, and one is a bad way. Let’s talk about the good way first.…

  • Weekly Update – October 4, 2023

    The Event is Over – Now It’s Time to Slay Success 5 Steps to Keep Your Momentum Going You’re back home and starting to get settled in after surviving a mind-blowing event. You navigated through a sea of passionate business-minded attendee’s, networked till you dropped, and exchanged business cards and friend requests like there’s no…

  • Weekly Update – September 27, 2023

    Article of the Week From A Cold Handshake To A Lifelong Friend How Networking at Big Events Can Create Unbreakable Bonds! One of the awesome perks of attending live events is the opportunity to meet new people and… Wait for it… Potentially find friends for life! I know, crazy right? Take my buddy Dexter, for…