Tag: business tips

  • Weekly Update – September 20, 2023

    Pay Attention To The Parts That Aren’t Fun… (That’s usually where the money is hidden!) I had a conversation with a friend recently about her business, and she couldn’t help but repeatedly express her frustration with one aspect of it. Specifically, she detested spending money on advertisements, and found the process of figuring them out…

  • Avoid The ROOKIE Mistakes That Will KILL Your Affiliate Sales

    (By the way… I’ve seen experienced marketers make these mistakes too!) • Discover how to avoid the rookie mistakes most affiliate marketers make that cost them BIG. • Learn the secrets to making a crazy profitable, unique offer (instead of being like every other affiliate). • Find out how to motivate potential customers to buy…

  • Don’t Shoot Yourself in the Foot: 10 Things Not to Do with Your Sales Letter

    Creating a long form sales letter can be a great way to drive more sales for your product or service. Despite what haters say, long form sales letters work GREAT when selling to a rabid, targeted audience. However, there are certain mistakes people make over and over again when crafting their sales letters that can…

  • Weekly Update – February 15, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets 9 Secrets To Skyrocket Sales With Your Copy and Content… No Matter What You Sell Who doesn’t want more sales? I mean seriously… unless your life is perfect, and you’re already living in a mansion with a Money Bin like Scrooge McDuck – you want more sales. In fact, you don’t just…

  • Setting Goals For 2023: Is There a Right and Wrong Way? YES!

    As we head into 2023, I’m feeling pretty excited about the prospects of the year ahead and wondering how we are already at the end of 2022. As the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun, it’s true, but now it’s time to set some achievable goals for the next year. One of the…

  • Evergreen Webinars: Do They Work… or are they BS?

    Evergreen or not to Evergreen? That is the question! When it comes to webinars the “holy grail” is to be able to take your webinar and turn it into an evergreen presentation that makes you money 24/7/365! All the experts who sell webinar software admit that converting to evergreen is easy and won’t take hardly…

  • Spring Training for Your Business – SCCMH [Podcast 156]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss how you can take advantage of the change of season and get ready for increase in sales of products and services. This may require launches, learning something new, being nimble enough to evolve with technology, but in the end, it is all about making you a better business operator.…