Author: Jim Edwards

  • Weekly Update – December 6, 2023

    Article of the Week A Roadside Bomb In October 2007 my son-in-law was hit by a roadside bomb in Iraq. 2 of the 4 men inside the vehicle with him were killed. The others, including my son-in-law, Jon, were grievously injured. We spent almost 2 years helping him through rehab for many physical and other…

  • Write Your Book FAST with WriteYourBook.AI – Walkthrough with Jim and Stew [Podcast 209]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith demonstrate using the Genies to create books, book titles, and everything you need to get published on Amazon (print and/or ebook). Check out these Genie Software Walk-throughs to see how easy it is to write compelling copy and even books!!! See and sign up for the next online coaching…

  • Weekly Update – November 29, 2023

    Article of the Week The Funnel Factor: How To Actually Make Money with Your Book So, you’ve finally finished writing your book. Congratulations! That’s a huge accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself. But don’t get comfortable and just expect the profits to start rolling in, the work doesn’t stop there. In fact, the…

  • AI vs. Human: Who Writes Better Titles? 🤖

    Do you struggle to come up with attention grabbing titles and catchy taglines? In such a crowded digital space, it’s essential to stand out from the crowd, whether you’re marketing a product, writing blog posts, or even crafting messages for social media. That’s why we’ve developed this tool to help you unleash the magic of…

  • Weekly Update – November 22, 2023

    Article of the Week Gobble Up Success: One Relationship At A Time 🦃 It’s the day before Thanksgiving and I find myself filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for each of you. Your support and trust in me throughout the years has been one…

  • How Writing a Book Has Changed My Life and Business – You Can Do It Too – [Podcast 208]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith demonstrate using the Genies to create Book Titles and Headlines for smarter copy hooks. Plus we both discuss how writing our books have changed our lives and how having a book helps you with building leads, relationships, and sales personally created for ideal customer. Check out these Genie Software Walk-throughs to…

  • Weekly Update – November 15, 2023

    Article of the Week Are you Invisible? Escape the Sea of Sameness… Have you ever looked around and felt tired of blending into the background or even felt as though you were invisible? Fed up with being seen as just another face in the crowd? I was right there with you. Trying tirelessly to stand…

  • Weekly Update – November 8, 2023

    Article of the Week No Sweat Required: 5 Simple Steps To Creating Your Book It’s time to talk about my favorite topic and one that could change your life: how simple it is to write a book. I’ve been hearing a lot of doubts and questions lately, like, “Is it really that easy?” Well, my…

  • Differences Between Hooks and Unique Selling Propositions [Podcast 207]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss hooks and USPs – Unique Selling Points or Propositions. Check out how they can be integrated into sales copy, advertisements, and daily content. Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy and Content Marketing Hacks at and for more information on the wizards used to make outstanding sales copy…

  • Weekly Update – November 1, 2023

    Article of the Week Journey said it best ‘Don’t Stop Believing’… (I bet you just sang that in your head) Alright, gather ’round folks! Today, I’m about to hit you with some serious wisdom that I’ve learned in my 30+ years in business (all different types). As a fellow business owner, I totally get it…