If you want to feel bad pick up a newspaper. If you want to feel really bad turn on cable news and watch for about 15 minutes. If you want to feel like it’s time to end it all and step out on the highway in front of the nearest speeding beer truck, go online to Google News and try to absorb all of the world’s headlines. It’s too easy to feel bad in today’s world.
But, it’s also easy to feel good if you have the right strategy and the right focus.
Despite what’s going on in the world and the current economic crisis, people are still getting rich… people are still making money… people are still getting ahead and living the lives of their dreams. The reality of the situation is that only a tiny percentage of people caused the problems that we’re all dealing with right now. The real problem came into play when everybody (the collective consciousness) bought in to the idea that we are all in a “CRISIS!”
Once enough people buy into an idea with enough intensity, a new reality sets in. The only way we’ll get out of this is if enough people decide they aren’t willing to accept the current reality and take definitive steps to change it.
Now, I can already hear some people saying “Jim, you don’t understand. I lost my job!” “Jim, you don’t understand, I’ve got it bad!” “Jim, you’ll understand, my husband / my wife lost their job and we’re just barely getting by!”
Oh I do understand!
I know what it’s like to not have a job… to not have any money… not to have any food… the kind of situations where you wonder if you’ll have anywhere to sleep next week! I also know that if all you do is focus on the problems in your life, that’s all you’re going to get — more problems in your life!
If you focus on the money you lost in the stock market, you’re just going to lose the rest of it.
If you focus on the fact that you might lose your job, start checking the want ads right now (heck, you might even see your job being advertised to replace you).
If you think you’re going to lose your house, start packing!
I don’t care what the economic times are, I don’t care what the current economic conditions are, I don’t care what the rest of the world is doing or thinking if doing so means I have to buy into a mentality that steals my own personal power away from me.
I can (and should) be aware of the situation and empathetic towards other people’s suffering, but I don’t have to buy into it!
Doubt and fear are the biggest enemies we all face right now, not bad loans or high gas prices.
Your biggest fear should not be whether you’ll lose your 401(k), whether you’ll lose your house, or whether your job will disappear.
Your biggest fear should be that you will allow doubt and fear — caused by forces outside of yourself — to paralyze you, to steal your creativity, and to rob you of your ability to create value for others and manifest your destiny.
Fact: Some people actually got rich during the Great Depression.
Fact: Some people made fortunes during the.com bubble crash a few years ago and others are making fortunes during the current stock market slide.
Because they didn’t buy into the collective consciousness of “CRISIS,” but rather they chose to stay calm, cool, and creative in the face of quickly changing circumstances.
If you’d known what you were doing, you could’ve made a fortune over the last four months shorting stocks. Many will make fortunes in the coming months with real estate foreclosures. (This is not income claim, this is a fact!)
So you have a choice to make right now: will you choose “CRISIS” or will you choose creativity?
Will you allow other people and outside influences to paralyze your mind with fear and doubt, or will you act in spite of the news you hear?
Will you create so much value for the world through your products, services, and work that unless we suffer a nuclear war you must get enriched by the Universe through value exchange?
How will you react?
What will you do?
Who will you become as a result of the crisis that we all face?
Will you discover the depths of bravery, creativity, and value that lie dormant within all of us… or will you cower in fear in the corner waiting for someone to come and rescue you?
The choice is yours… it’s a choice we all must make — NOW!
Not tomorrow… not next week… not after the stimulus bill gets passed… or waiting to see if the stock market rebounds… or waiting to see if they raise taxes… but right NOW!
Decide who you will be in the face of adversity.
The great news is everybody else is facing the same challenges. It’s a totally level playing field.
The people who decide to win are the ones who will win.
Some of the greatest success stories in all of human history will come from this time… our time.
Some of the most inspiring stories of overcoming obstacles, building, and creating in the face of overwhelming odds, will be born out of what many consider the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression.
Will you be one of them?
There’s no reason on earth or in the universe why you can’t.
Step #1: DECIDE!
Decide that you won’t buy into the “gloom and doom mentality” that currently grips the world. Everyone is looking for a leader — “the person on the white horse” to show up and save us all.
Be that person!
Be that person for your family… be that person for your community… be that person for your niche market and in your business.
But most importantly, be that person for yourself!
Be your own leader and look within for guidance and strength, because that’s your best chance of weathering this mental storm that’s currently rocking the world.
And when you look back 10 years from now you’ll see this time not as an economic crisis, but the birth or rebirth and discovery of your own inner greatness. Greatness that you tapped and harnessed to change your life and the lives of those you care about in ways you never dreamed possible.
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