Tag: webinar

  • Event & Webinar Promo Mistakes To Avoid Like The Plague

    Get the Most Out of Your Event Promotion By Avoiding these Common Mistakes It’s a big mistake to think event promotion is easy. Sure, you can throw some posts on social media and call it a day, but that won’t get your event off the ground. To truly maximize your event’s potential, you need to…

  • Evergreen Webinars: Do They Work… or are they BS?

    Evergreen or not to Evergreen? That is the question! When it comes to webinars the “holy grail” is to be able to take your webinar and turn it into an evergreen presentation that makes you money 24/7/365! All the experts who sell webinar software admit that converting to evergreen is easy and won’t take hardly…

  • Weekly Update – July 27, 2022

    A Note From Jim How Stevie Wonder Can Help You Sell More On Your Webinars    “Time is long, but life is short!” – Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder is one of the most iconic artists of our time. His music transcends time, culture, and generations. But what the heck does he have to do with…

  • Do You Make These Mistakes With Webinars? (And KILL Your Sales In The Process)

    Mistake #1: Go Too Long Everybody’s time is at a premium these days. Nobody has time to waste… especially if they don’t see a specific payoff as the webinar unfolds for them. Shoot for an hour (including pitch) if you want to keep the maximum number of people LIVE on your webinar. Mistake #2: Kill…

  • Weekly Update – July 20, 2022

    A Note From Jim If You Want To Crush It With Your Next Webinar, Don’t Miss Any Of These 8 Real-World Tips 1. Keep It Under 1 Hour Statistics show that you have a MASSIVE drop off at the 60-minute mark… people either get bored, or they must move on to the next item on…

  • Sales Webinars Are Dead… Stick A Fork In ‘Em!

    A HUGE number of people believe sales webinars are dead and will tell you with authority that “nobody buys from webinars anymore.” They believe all consumers figured out that webinars are low on content, high on sales pressure, and represent a giant waste of time. But, before you run out and cancel your Zoom or…

  • Webinar / Seminar Promotion Ideas – SCCMH [Podcast 50]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss a series of marketing questions from TJEM Member Sarah Pitts. Whether you are marketing a webinar online or a seminar, getting eyeballs to your coaching / training content is the challenge to make your efforts successful.  Check out this podcast no matter what your business is to see how you…