Tag: aicontent

  • Weekly Update – May 10, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets Finally, Make Content Marketing Work For You! 5 Proven Steps To Skyrocket Your Sales! Have you been struggling to develop ideas, create content, and grow your business profits? Discover how you can quickly and effectively reach your target audience with content marketing. • Grow your business profits without hours spent on content…

  • Weekly Update – April 26, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets Master the Art of Selling with Your Own Powerful Avatar! Read on for why the avatar is critical to every business… including yours… Need to make your sales copy and content marketing efforts more effective? Look no further than the Avatar! An Avatar is your ideal customer profile that provides you all…

  • “The Robots Are Going To Kill Us All”

    Every day delivers more and more news about AI. In the last week, Google has announced their competition for ChatGPT named “Bard.” In prior weeks, schools denounced AI and several people invented AI detectors to combat students taking the “easy way out.” Others even questioned the ethics of content created by AI. Oh, and for…

  • The Future Of AI Content Generation

    The future of AI (Artificial Intelligence) content generation is filled with potential, but also fraught with uncertainty. There are a number of factors that suggest AI will play an increasingly prominent, if not important, role in content generation in the years to come. One of the most important factors driving the future of AI content…