Tag: ai copywriting

  • Making a $1,000,000 Offer with Jim Edwards [Podcast 230]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss creating a million-dollar offer. Jim walks us through the steps of this type of business offer and then shows us the Million Dollar Offer Genie. Check out these AI-generated software walk-throughs and quickly achieve the desired results to help take your business to new heights. The Genie-Walk-Through is one…

  • Adding Agency Services to Existing Business Increase Revenue and a Create a New Profit Center – [Podcast 228]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss updating books for changes in the business market as well as adding Agency Services to your existing business to increase profits. Check out https://CopyandContent.ai/ for access to sales copywriting and content marketing for all your business writing needs. Let the Avatar-enabled Genies do the work for you. Jim and Stew…

  • Interview with Izzy Whitfield (11 yr old author) + Believe in Yourself & Face the Fear of Rejection [Podcast 227]

    Jim and Stew interviewed a young lady who had written three books for early teens on building better confidence, study habits, post-COVID learning issues, and dealing with other stresses in life. After a few minutes, you will not believe this girl is 11 years old. Trust me when we say, “You will learn something from…

  • Open Up Doors of Business Opportunity with This Tool [Podcast 211]

    The Key To Open Virtually Any Door Of Opportunity (Using your own book to build bridges and open doors of opportunity in your business) Get your book published on Amazon! Let https://WriteYourBook.AI do all of the heavy lifting for you. Write it with others in the community of authors helping you along the way. But…

  • If you like ChatGPT… if you use it at all… you MUST read this ASAP!

    Let me begin with a startling admission… I use the software engine behind ChatGPT every day (though I use a tricked-out version in my own site we call “Genie Chat” that gives me a ton more options than plain ChatGPT). Chatbots like ChatGPT are great “playground” tools – or at least that’s how I use…

  • Weekly Update – March 29, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets “No Copywriter Needed – Anatomy Of A Winning Sales Letter That Converts!” Create an Effective Sales Letter Without an Expensive Copywriter – Get the Steps Here! Do you want to make more sales without having to hire an expensive copywriter or spending weeks slaving at the keyboard writing a sales letter? If…

  • Weekly Update – March 22, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets Anatomy Of A Money-Making Email Teaser No matter what you sell… you’ll use email to help you sell it. Whether you’re following up with customers and subscribers or sending cold emails to potential prospects you found on the web, email will play a part. The structure of your email message is just…

  • Weekly Update – March 15, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets The #1 Sales Copy Mistake That May Cost You Big Money The #1 mistake people make with sales copy that costs them big money is thinking that once your sales message is working your job is done. If you fall into this trap, you’re leaving 90% of the money you could be…

  • Weekly Update – March 8, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets C.R.U.S.H. Your Sales Copy and Content With AI Genies If you’re an entrepreneur who wants to make more sales, you need to CRUSH your sales copy and content. That means using genies to CRUSH your first draft in just a few seconds so you can focus on polishing and distributing your copy…

  • Weekly Update – March 1, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets “Make More Sales With AI Copywriting Tools – It’s Easier Than You Think!” Are you looking for ways to make more sales with your business? Duh! Who isn’t! Sales copywriting is an essential part of the sales process, and with the help of AI, you can maximize your sales. From identifying your…