Tag: 7dayebook

  • The One Thing That Always Sets You Apart

    When many people think about being the author of their own book, they think of royalty payments rolling in every month… month after month. They think of living the “laptop lifestyle” with your feet kicked up and an umbrella drink in your hand. That’s mostly a lie. I’m 110% honest with you… the people promising…

  • First Book: What is Your Excuse? SCCMH [Podcast 162]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss authoring your first book. Check out these lessons learned from both Jim and Stew on how they finished and used their first books. Do you want the easy button for getting your book done? There is a wizard for that and many others for your business at… Continue Reading

  • 10 Ways To Get Instant and MASSIVE Credibility With Your Ideal Customers

    Being the author of a book gives you massive credibility. Why? Because we’ve been trained since an early age that authors are literally the “authority” in a given area. (Hey, you can’t have the word authority without the word author in it!) You can leverage that credibility a book gives you to get more leads…

  • Are You Considered the Expert in Your Field? – SCCMH [Podcast 149]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss what it takes to become an expert in your market. Are you perceived as the expert by future customers / current customers? Why? Experience? Education? Coaching / Teaching Ability? See what makes YOU the expert in your field. Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy Writing and Content Marketing…