Author: Jim Edwards

  • Going LIVE or Recorded Video – Which is Better? Why? – SCCMH [Podcast 164]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss different video content types from gifs, video memes, live Q&A, and pre-recorded content. In this episode they also discuss which options are getting the best response / views on their various platforms, as well as which options they have found are best for building a social media platform… Continue…

  • Finding Time to Grow Your Business – SCCMH [Podcast 163]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss what you should do when you have an amazing business idea (or side gig) but are not sure that you have the time or energy to get it done. This is part motivation, organization, and persistence. Jim and Stew share some stories and ideas on how you can add…

  • Do You Make These Mistakes With Webinars? (And KILL Your Sales In The Process)

    Mistake #1: Go Too Long Everybody’s time is at a premium these days. Nobody has time to waste… especially if they don’t see a specific payoff as the webinar unfolds for them. Shoot for an hour (including pitch) if you want to keep the maximum number of people LIVE on your webinar. Mistake #2: Kill…

  • Weekly Update – July 20, 2022

    A Note From Jim If You Want To Crush It With Your Next Webinar, Don’t Miss Any Of These 8 Real-World Tips 1. Keep It Under 1 Hour Statistics show that you have a MASSIVE drop off at the 60-minute mark… people either get bored, or they must move on to the next item on…

  • First Book: What is Your Excuse? SCCMH [Podcast 162]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss authoring your first book. Check out these lessons learned from both Jim and Stew on how they finished and used their first books. Do you want the easy button for getting your book done? There is a wizard for that and many others for your business at… Continue Reading

  • Sales Webinars Are Dead… Stick A Fork In ‘Em!

    A HUGE number of people believe sales webinars are dead and will tell you with authority that “nobody buys from webinars anymore.” They believe all consumers figured out that webinars are low on content, high on sales pressure, and represent a giant waste of time. But, before you run out and cancel your Zoom or…

  • Weekly Update – July 13, 2022

    A Note From Jim 10 Ways To Use A SINGLE Webinar To Build Your Business Webinars are about so much more than just pitching. In fact, I like to think of them as the “Swiss Army Knife” of content creation. If you think webinars are only for selling, you’re putting yourself at a huge disadvantage.…

  • Branding, Titles, Headlines, and More – SCCMH [Podcast 161]

    Jim Edwards discusses the importance of being authentic in your business marketing when it comes to your branding, titles, headlines, logos, and more. Are you wasting money on branding when you could just focus on being authentic to build a brand for yourself… Continue Reading

  • Weekly Update – July 6, 2022

    A Note From Jim “Declare Your Independence Day” With July 4th behind us (Independence Day in the USA), I’m reflecting back on my own “independence” day in June of 2001. Let me tell you a quick story… It’s a story about the time I got fired over my cell phone on my way home from…

  • The Ultimate “Invitation” Formula That Calls Your Ideal Customers To Action Like Magic!

    Who would like the ultimate little formula for a call to action that works anywhere?  Here you go… Let’s say I’m doing a little 5-10 minute presentation on “10 Reasons Why Everybody Should Have A Book If You Want A Bigger List”.  I go through the 10 things real quick, then at the end I…