Author: Jim Edwards

  • Victory or Victimhood? You Choose!

    Lately, I have been fortunate to work with numerous individuals while coaching them through writing their books. During these challenges I’ve noticed a common thread among those who are truly making a significant impact in the world. These individuals do not see themselves as victims, but rather as victors in every aspect of their lives.…

  • Weekly Update – January 10, 2024

    Article of the Week Surprise ‘Celebrity’ Sightings! It was Christmas. My wife and I decided to take a cruise to celebrate the holidays. We were looking forward to a relaxing getaway, far from family drama and the hustle and bustle of work. Little did I know, our cruise would turn into a surprise “celebrity” sighting.…

  • Your Ultimate Storytelling Tool

    Storytelling is a powerful tool in making emotional connections and driving sales. It’s a tool that can captivate attention, elicit empathy, and make information memorable. However, not everyone finds it easy to tell their story in a compelling and effective way. That’s why we’re excited to introduce My Story Genie – the ultimate storytelling tool…

  • Weekly Update – December 27, 2023

    Article of the Week Crafting Unforgettable Stories: The Six C’s to Storytelling Success Little Johnny – “Grandpa, tell me a story before we go to bed!” Big Johnny – “Grandpa, tell me a story about when we were little kids!” High-Ticket Customer – “Jim, I really love that story you told us about your first…

  • Write The Perfect Email To Land Your Dream JV Partner

    Think of someone who is your dream JV partner… someone with THE customers… with THE expertise…. with THE resources you need to build YOUR business. You need to contact them… but there’s a problem… What would you say? How would you say it? (You don’t want to come off like a dork!) Here’s how AI can…

  • Get Paid To Build Your List…

    It’s true! You can get PAID to build your list! How? By using the “tripwire” strategy AND a “twist.” What’s the twist? Let A.I. do all the heavy lifting for you! Our latest demo video is actually more like a mini “Masterclass” on how to use A.I. to you’re your tripwire game to the next…

  • Easily Build a Profitable Value Ladder for Your Business

    Are you struggling to plan out your value ladder for your business? Do you find it challenging to determine what to sell and how to guide your customers through your offerings effectively? Introducing the Value Ladder Genie – An AI tool designed to help you craft a strategic and profitable value ladder tailored to your…

  • Stop, Drop and Pivot – Embrace Change (Without Using Swear Words)

    Change is coming – and let’s be real, sometimes it feels like a giant dumpster fire spiraling out of control. It’s a word that doesn’t sit well with a lot of people (including me on some occasions), especially once we’re finally comfortable. That’s one of the mistake we make… we get comfortable. I want to…

  • Weekly Update – May 31, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets The Secret to Writing Amazing Content Without Hours of Work! Are you stuck in the belief that content marketing is too time-consuming? Think again! New technology is changing the game when it comes to creating content. It’s now possible to create fantastic content quickly and easily – thanks to AI tools like…

  • How to Build Killer Lead Magnets With AI

    From Checklists to Quizzes: 7+ Creative Structures for Crafting High-Converting Lead Magnets With AI Genies™ • Discover how to quickly and easily create lead magnets to boost opt-ins, clicks, and conversions… • Learn the super-human power of checklists as lead magnets… • Explore different structures for lead magnets, such as mind maps, quizzes, and cheat…