Tag: wizards
A Marketing Calendar. Things we should do Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly… SCCMH [Podcast 133]
A Marketing Calendar. Things we should do Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Seasonally, Special Occasions, and of course Black Friday / Cyber Monday. Do you have a marketing calendar to keep you accountable? Something to consider. What are YOUR habits that you have going now that are part of your system? What can you do better?…
The Price is NEVER Too High – The Value is Perceived to be Too Low – SCCMH [Podcast 132]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss how to you fix your pricing, offers, and add additional services / products. They share their journey and experience with this one and help people figure out ways to increase value with WHATEVER they do. Listen in and ask questions and see if we can help you. Check out…
Keep It Simple and Solve Problems – SCCMH [Podcast 131]
Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss problem solving by keeping it simple. Keep It Simple with PQR2 (Problem, Questions, Roadblocks and Results) From Copywriting Secrets by Jim Edwards – https://copywritingsecrets.com/ We show you how to keep it simple but also use one of the easy acronyms used in Copywriting Secrets – PQR2 which means Problem, Questions,…
Are You Considered a Media Company You Should be – SCCMH [Podcast 130]
(idea from Are You Cheating People And Are You Cheating Yourself? article on SCCMH FB Group post) https://medium.com/sales-copywriting-content-marketing-with-jim/are-you-cheating-people-and-are-you-cheating-yourself-6d6cd695a168 DIY: Are you a Media Company that Sells “X”? Who Are You? If you’re an author, if you write books in a certain area, then you need to stop identifying as being an “author!”You need to start identifying…
TJEM with AirBnB UBER UberEats and more – SCCMH [Podcast 129]
How Do Jim’s Teachings Relate To Airbnb, UBER Drivers, UBER Eats, GrubHUB, etc? Jim’s teachings – https://www.thejimedwardsmethod.com Stephen manages Airbnb listings as a host. His question is: I want to know how I would transfer Jim’s knowledge to writing the sales copy for an airbnb listing. Do all of the principles still apply & how might…
The One Thing That Breaks You Into The Big Leagues – SCCMH [Podcast 128]
See the Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss what you need to make your online business explode. It may seem obvious, but a lot of people don’t pay attention to the best way to break into the big leagues online. What is it? You must have a big-ticket product. The truth of the matter is…
Turning Visions into Reality in Business – SCCMH [Podcast 122]
What does your old business plan look like today? Is it anything similar to how you are doing business now? For many entrepreneurs in the online space, as technology advanced so did the way they did business. Are you still serving your original customer base? Has that also evolved as you diversified, became more…