Tag: solutions

  • Sales Webinars Are Dead… Stick A Fork In ‘Em!

    A HUGE number of people believe sales webinars are dead and will tell you with authority that “nobody buys from webinars anymore.” They believe all consumers figured out that webinars are low on content, high on sales pressure, and represent a giant waste of time. But, before you run out and cancel your Zoom or…

  • What Does Your Customer Need to Know (Problems, Solutions, You As The Answer?) – SCCMH [Podcast 93]

    Jim and Stew solve problems! See https://copyandcontent.ai/ for more tools to help you solve business / sales copy problems. What is the Biggest Issue that your ideal customer needs to know. People will buy anything to solve a problem or achieve a result. Are you the solution to helping your customer solve that problem and…