Tag: podcast

  • Use AI to build lists and leads – SCCMH [Podcast 188]

    Podcast 188 – Use AI to build lists, leads, and increase eyes to your business. Jim Edwards and Stew Smith demonstrate using the https://www.CopyandContent.ai Genies to create useful content marketing to build lead magnets and make sales and turn leads into customers. Register for the early bird list now to get priority notification when the…

  • Business Contingency Planning During Social Media Blackout – SCCMH [Podcast 105]

    Jim and Stew discuss what you should consider IF you rely significantly on social media in your business. What would you do if you were in Facebook Jail? Recently Jim Edwards felt the wrath of Facebook filters that shut him down for a week even though he spends nearly $100,000 a month on Facebook advertisements.…

  • How Sales Copy Writing and Content Marketing Scripts and Wizards Work? – SCCMH [Podcast 166]

    JJim and Stew discuss using one of many wizards that make content marketing 10x easier. Join us as we share stories of our favorite wizards / scripts we use regularly to make all kinds of content (articles, memes, social media posts, webinars, sales letters, etc). We talk about wizards often – let’s share some stories…

  • Using Quotes to Make Killer Content – SCCMH [Podcast 165]

    Jim Edwards and Stew discuss using one of many wizards that make content marketing 10x easier. Watch as Jim and Stew share the screen for a demo and tell stories of their favorite wizards / scripts that they use regularly to create all kinds of content (articles, memes, SM posts, webinars, sales letters, etc). In…

  • Going LIVE or Recorded Video – Which is Better? Why? – SCCMH [Podcast 164]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss different video content types from gifs, video memes, live Q&A, and pre-recorded content. In this episode they also discuss which options are getting the best response / views on their various platforms, as well as which options they have found are best for building a social media platform… Continue…

  • Finding Time to Grow Your Business – SCCMH [Podcast 163]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss what you should do when you have an amazing business idea (or side gig) but are not sure that you have the time or energy to get it done. This is part motivation, organization, and persistence. Jim and Stew share some stories and ideas on how you can add…

  • First Book: What is Your Excuse? SCCMH [Podcast 162]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss authoring your first book. Check out these lessons learned from both Jim and Stew on how they finished and used their first books. Do you want the easy button for getting your book done? There is a wizard for that and many others for your business at… Continue Reading

  • Branding, Titles, Headlines, and More – SCCMH [Podcast 161]

    Jim Edwards discusses the importance of being authentic in your business marketing when it comes to your branding, titles, headlines, logos, and more. Are you wasting money on branding when you could just focus on being authentic to build a brand for yourself… Continue Reading

  • Are You Strategic with your Consistent Content? – SCCMH [Podcast 160]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss how to get more strategic with your content and actually have it work for you and see results (aka more profits). Are you strategic with your content? First of all, are you consistent enough to have a strategy of the type of content you post for your business. Here…

  • Build a List or a Tribe? – SCCMH [Podcast 159]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the difference between building a list that you pepper with emails (that often get deleted) or you build a tribe that would pay for your newsletters and emails because you add so much value to them. Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy Writing and Content Marketing Hacks with…