Tag: hook

  • What Makes a Good Story? SCCMH [Podcast 137]

    What Makes a Good Story for Content Marketing? Let’s discuss some of the many ways to get deep into the psychology of sales copywriting with a good story. One sentence story? Short / Long Story? This is part two of the trilogy, Hook – Story – Offer on podcasts 136, 137 & 138. Check out…

  • What Makes a Good Hook? SCCMH [Podcast 136]

    What Makes a Good Hook, Story, Offer? This is part one of the three part series Hook – Story – Offer podcasts. Let’s discuss what makes a good hook in sales, content, social media, and other forms of marketing. Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy Writing and Content Marketing Hacks with Jim Edwards for…

  • Sales Copy Flow – Hook Story Offer – SCCMH [Podcast 87]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss what makes salescopy work best for you. How your sales pages flow is important. Having a hook, a compelling story and a dynamite offer is how it works. You need to remind people that you have the answer to their problems and tell them what you, your products, and…

  • Polishing Your Salescopy for Max Sales – SCCMH [Podcast 19]

    Take sales copy from 90% to 95-100% and perfect for you and your business.  Start with the Title and Headlines – make sure you have hook to help get eyes on you.   Have a hook to build curiosity that resonates with your target audience.  Does your sales copy – discuss a problem and how to…

  • Adding Sales Copy to your Content Without Being Obnoxious – SCCMH [Podcast 16]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss the subtle ways to introduce sales copy into content created for your readers or viewers that can be done by article / blog post or by quick FB Live video as well.   Some of the information featured in this podcast: – Talk / write about a benefit, meaning,…