Tag: growth

  • Victory or Victimhood? You Choose!

    Lately, I have been fortunate to work with numerous individuals while coaching them through writing their books. During these challenges I’ve noticed a common thread among those who are truly making a significant impact in the world. These individuals do not see themselves as victims, but rather as victors in every aspect of their lives.…

  • Stop, Drop and Pivot – Embrace Change (Without Using Swear Words)

    Change is coming – and let’s be real, sometimes it feels like a giant dumpster fire spiraling out of control. It’s a word that doesn’t sit well with a lot of people (including me on some occasions), especially once we’re finally comfortable. That’s one of the mistake we make… we get comfortable. I want to…

  • Weekly Update – September 28, 2022

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets All Growth Comes From… “I don’t want to do this.” This is my first thought when I face something challenging.  Although it’s an honest response, it’s not a response that rewards growth! What Area Are You Resisting?  Growth comes from doing the things you don’t want to do… From doing what you…

  • Change vs Growth – SCCMH [Podcast 54]

    Jim Edwards and Stew Smith discuss how change is inevitable but growth is not.  We are all going to change and grow physically each year of life.  Time will change us all – that is a fact. But do you become a better person each year? Well that is up to you.  Your personal growth…