Tag: Getitdone

  • What is Going to Be Your NEXT TO-DO? SCCMH [Podcast 134]

    What is Going to Be Your NEXT TO-DO? Can you complete it during the time before the New Year? Black Friday / Cyber Monday? Set a goal for a new product / service and make it happen. New Book? New Program? New Service? New ScriptCaster Wizard App? Check out the Facebook Group – Sales Copy Writing…

  • It Does Not Have to be Perfect – Just Good – SCCMH [Podcast 103]

    Jim Edwards and Stew discuss content development ideas for your business with the theme of  IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE PERFECT – product launch, blogs, articles, social media posts, live video, podcasts, etc… Perfect is the enemy of good. Trying to make something perfect can actually prevent us from making it good… Instead of pushing…

  • What Are Your Three Rules Of Salescopy? – SCCMH [Podcast 23]

    You have your THREE RULES of salescopy but you can add the THREE additional rules to GET THEM DONE with the scripts… Myself: When I encourage others to workout In tactical fitness population I focus on learning the three phases: Jim’s THREE RULES:– It is not what it IS – it is what is DOES– Make People…

  • Testimonials – SCCMH [Podcast 12]

    Types of testimonials 1 – results oriented from your products from customers Prove to future customers that you have what they need AND it works! 2 – Endorsement of you or your company 3 – Celebrity or expert endorsement We all need proof that our products and services work and we need to know they work prior to…