Tag: Content Marketing

  • Weekly Update – January 11, 2023

    Jim’s Golden Nuggets 5 Deadly Mistakes People Are Making with A.I. For many, artificial intelligence (A.I.) is the ultimate easy button for content creation and sales copy. Tools like ChatGPT have brought A.I. access to the masses in an extremely short period of time. In fact, my MOM even knows about A.I. now and has…

  • This is What Happens When AI Disrupts the Status Quo

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve seen my prediction from last year about the explosion of AI (artificial intelligence) into the popular culture come true. Everyone is talking about it, from the nightly news to my mom. One of the big drivers of this public awareness is the Chat GPT bot, available from…

  • Now is NOT the time to take your foot off of the gas!

    Over the many years that I’ve been selling online, I’ve seen a trend between November and the start of the new year. Business owners take their foot off of the promotional gas pedal and put the car in park. If you pay attention to advertisements from November – December, you’ll notice that large companies amp…

  • How To Really Increase Your Sales

    What most “gurus” tell you to do to make a lot more sales FAST is just plain wrong (if you want FAST results). If you ask them, “How can I make a lot more sales?? They’ll tell you the following: 1. Increase website traffic 2. Improve website conversion rate 3. Increase average order value 4.…

  • How Sales Copy Writing and Content Marketing Scripts and Wizards Work? – SCCMH [Podcast 166]

    JJim and Stew discuss using one of many wizards that make content marketing 10x easier. Join us as we share stories of our favorite wizards / scripts we use regularly to make all kinds of content (articles, memes, social media posts, webinars, sales letters, etc). We talk about wizards often – let’s share some stories…