Author: Jim Edwards

  • Weekly Update – February 21, 2024

    Article of the Week Be Afraid. Be VERY Afraid! Something scared the crap out of me today… it felt like I just witnessed the dawn of a new age, and the downfall of society in the same instant. AI is changing the world. No doubt. If you want to know how, go read any one…

  • Open Up The Entrepreneurial Brain with Jim Edwards [Podcast 214]

    Jim Edwards of discusses the types of ideas that have revolutionized his business over the years. Jim shares how he gets the thinking and creative part of his brain flowing – even when on vacation. Some of Jim’s best ideas come from long car trips, vacation time, and working out alone. Learn how to tap…

  • Weekly Update – February 14, 2024

    Article of the Week Success Starts with a Decision Are you tired of feeling like you’ll never make it in the world of online business? You’re not alone. In fact, 50% of people fail in online business because they never even get started. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the idea of starting a business…

  • Weekly Update – February 7, 2024

    Article of the Week Time Mastery: The Two Golden Hours Here’s a question I was asked not too long ago… Q: “How do I find time to work on my online business when I’m swamped with my ‘day job’ and my family?” A: Let me start by saying I understand 110% about trying to get…

  • Which Is A Faster Way To Lose Money – Advertise Your Book Directly or Set Fire To It?

    Advertising directly to your ebook or book is usually a bad idea and will cost you a lot of money. Believe me, I know from firsthand experience. For years, I tried to advertise my $29 ebook directly, and every single time, it failed miserably. I would get discouraged and stop trying for a year or…

  • Weekly Update – January 17, 2024

    Article of the Week REAL Authority Looks Like This… (And it’s not what you might think) I remember the first time I ever got recognized at an event because of one of my books. As I made my way through the crowded hallway toward the bathroom, a lady approached me with a huge smile on…

  • New Year – New You – Be an Author By the End of January! [Podcast 213]

    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain said this but Jim Edwards teaches you how writing your book can be easier than ever with Jim and crew will coach you throughout the process and help you become the authority in your business lane. There is no authority with the word…

  • How Writing a Book Can Change Your Life – Share Your Story! [Podcast 212]

    Jim Edwards teaches you how to create TRIPWIRES in your business funnels and get PAID more! A Tripwire is nothing more than a lead magnet and a front-end product who had a love child. Consider this idea that Jim coaches in your next Tripwire Funnel. Let do the heavy lifting for you. Check out…

  • Weekly Update – January 3, 2024

    Article of the Week He Might Have a Gun! I never thought that a simple trip home from a cruise would teach me such a valuable lesson. It was New Year’s Eve, and Terri and I were rushing to pick up our dogs from the kennel before it closed at 5:00. Our flight had been…

  • Open Up Doors of Business Opportunity with This Tool [Podcast 211]

    The Key To Open Virtually Any Door Of Opportunity (Using your own book to build bridges and open doors of opportunity in your business) Get your book published on Amazon! Let https://WriteYourBook.AI do all of the heavy lifting for you. Write it with others in the community of authors helping you along the way. But…